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I am currently enrolled at an SD#48 school and I’m interested in taking an online course. What should I do?

Start by discussing with your counselor how an online course fits into your Graduation Plan. Then, complete the online course registration form and the Activation Assignment for your chosen course. Submit your Activation Assignment via email to [email protected].

I am under 20, haven’t graduated, and no longer attend an SD#48 school. Can Sea to Sky Online help me?

Yes! We can assist you in working towards graduation or upgrading your courses to improve employment prospects. Contact us at [email protected] or Elise Lambert at [email protected].

I’m an adult wanting to take a course. Can I enroll at Sea to Sky Online?

We offer some courses for free for upgrading purposes. Please email [email protected], explaining your situation and the courses you’re interested in.

Is there a cost to take online courses?

Courses are free, but a deposit may be required for some resources. For international students, there is a fee of $750 per course.

Are there a lot of homework assignments?

The entire course consists of "homework," but it’s self-paced, so you won’t be overwhelmed by deadlines. However, you should ensure that your progress aligns with the schedule set in your learning plan.

What if I don’t understand a question in the course?

You can email your teacher at [email protected].

Do I have to meet in person?

No, however, some students benefit from connecting with their teacher(s) face-to-face. 

How often should I contact my teacher?

Students are required to maintain regular communication with their teacher through Moodle Messenger, video conferencing, email, or face-to-face. You should email your teacher weekly to update them on your progress, and whenever you have questions.

What should I do if I’m having technical difficulties with the websites?

Try switching to a different browser like Google Chrome or Firefox. If the problem persists, email us at [email protected].

My course has unit tests. Are they considered exams?

No, unit tests are formative assessments designed to check your understanding. They can often be completed at home, but many students prefer to complete them during an open-house session to ask questions and receive immediate feedback. Midterm and final exams are held during supervised blocks of time.

How do I submit my work?

Submission methods vary depending on the assignment. Generally, work can be submitted through Moodle, by email, or in-person. For more submission options, visit the "Tools For Success" section on our website.