10-12 Courses » Grade 10-12 Courses

Grade 10-12 Courses

For many students attending their home school, the option to take an online course with Sea to Sky Online provides many benefits. Students enrolled in both schools are referred to as "cross enrolled".
Sea to Sky Online school works closely with our district's middle and high schools, as most of our students are cross enrolled. As such, our schools communicate frequently about student's programs and courses, ensuring your online learning experience will benefit you and your educational goals.
Communication is Key!
If you are interested in taking an online course with SSO while attending your home school, we ask that you help communicate your intentions to your home school counselors. This assists the schools in helping to support you in your educational goals while ensuring "everyone is in the loop". For example, if you are attending your home school and decide you would like to take an online course, you are free to register for the online course. However, communicating this to your school counselor helps them do their jobs, ensuring you are on track to graduate.
Taking Online Courses Before Grade 10
In British Columbia, students are enrolled in curriculum up to Grade 9. Courses exist only at the Grade 10, 11 and 12 levels.
Students may take Grade 10, 11, or 12 courses prior to entering their Graduation Program in Grade 10. However, students who enroll in a Grade 10, 11, or 12 course prior to entering into Grade 10 are required to complete the provincial curricular requirements for that grade. For example: A student in Grade 9 may take a Math 10 course online. This does not mean they are excused from completing Math 9. 
Courses in the grade 10-12 level are part of the Graduation Program. Many of these courses are required for graduation, and others are considered "electives". It is worthwhile to discuss graduation requirements with a school administrator or school counsellor to ensure you are moving forward with your own personalized graduation plan. 
More information on the Graduation Program can be found on the Ministry of Education website