10-12 Courses » BC First Peoples 12

BC First Peoples 12


Course Outline:

BC First Peoples 12 looks at how the identities, worldviews, and language of BC First Peoples are renewed, sustained, and transformed through their connection to the land.


Course Topics:

Unit 1 - Connections

Unit 2 - Impact

Unit 3 - Cultural Expressions

Unit 4 - Self Determination 


Course Grading: 

Learning Guides - 10%

Projects 10%

Quizzes/Tests - 40%

Assignments - 40%


Learning Guides/Assignments:

Learning guides are designed to help you organize your thoughts about the topics. Assignments allow you to show your understanding of the material. All submissions MUST be very neatly done and well organized. If you have questions about a topic, be sure to ask. 


Exam Supervision:

Before you write a unit exam, you must submit all assignments and complete all quizzes leading up to the exam. All exams are “closed book” and require supervision. If you are unable to access a local school to write your exams, you will need to find a teacher who will supervise your exams. Please have the teacher e-mail me and I will send the required information Resources: There is NO textbook required for this course.


Keys to Success:

  1. Actively work through each lesson, trying examples and reflecting on material.
  2. Use the Learning Guide as your tool for documenting your understanding. Lay it out neatly and well organized.
  3. Make sure you understand any quiz/exam question you get wrong. If you can’t figure it out – ASK!
  4. Be sure to use your Moodle message system for regular communication with your instructor.